u noe wat??? my roomate, mimi, rajin sgt stdy.....time weekend pn bgn pagi2, mndi then stdy...mlm pn tdo lewat sbb stdy.....agak2 la kan, bile la zana nk jdi cm dia ek???? ouhhh miracle......i need u...........heh......
smlm da layan hindustan.....3idiot....actually cite tu da lame pn ada dlm lappy ni.....dari sem lps lagi....tapi ntah knapa, xda feel nk tgk+++ xda masa.....smlm pn sbb boring+xda keje+xtaw nk buatpe, so layan je la cite tu.....b4 dis, mbe zana ada ckp yg cite tu best n bgus tuk we all yg becoming engineer to be...heeee.......^___^.....whoupppss......dis entry bukan nk cite sal 3idiot tu laa.....terlebey sudaa...
stop dis here okeh.....=p
okay2......back to title.....see???? WHICH ONE????
konfius laaa.........u noe wat....xtaw nk pilih yg mane 1.....if nk dua2 boley x??? hahahaa.........nurin owez marah bile zana tnya cmtu kt dia....xpsl2 boleh """giler ah kauu"""....free2 jerk....heeee..........
tapi kannn.....................ermmmmmm..........aaaaa................................zzzzzzzzzzzzz............
sooooooooooooooo complicated.........................uwargghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........................
bilekah semua ni akan berakhir?????.......ouhhh tidakkkk..............
miss n love both of them........F+H......heeee.......^__________________________^
~~~~~tuhan berikanlah aku cinta....utk temaniku dlm sepi........~~~~~~
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