mabeles.....<---feveret quote adib....hakhak......(donno wat da real motif for dat quote...=p)...juz ignore it...
hokay, tonite, dgn nekadnye, nk jugak tlis entry bout dis......
very2 menyampahhhhhhh..........dgn sape??????? ada la.....nti la nk cite ni......=p
situation ni da lame happen,,....tapi, ttibe je tringat n nk jgk tlis......saje nk luahkan rasa xpuas hati dgn people out there......sape2 yg trasa tu, faham2 la yer....=p
hamboiiiiii2.......senang nye....nak xnak, tpksa bgi jgk......sokay, ckgu ckp, xbaik xkongsi ilmu dgn kwan2....=p..................if xtaw nk buat, y not tnya b4 due date n bleh buat sama2.....
p/s:: ikhlas....cuma terselit sedikit perasaan menyampah..^____^
a month after--> sunyi sepi.....msg xberbalas, call xberangkat........if cket, xpela jgk......eishhhh........da problem is, i still tgh blaja...byk kne gune duet, beli buku, byr sewa rumah, myk moto, makan n etc......ohhhh kwan, kamoo sangat lah baik.......BERTUAH kot dpt kwn cm u much laaar.....=p
p/s:::: xsuke menyampah kt org lain....tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........on certain situation, i have to.......dats normal right??? peace no war...much love to u olz.....^___^
1 comment++:
alolololo.....sabar yewww
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